Saturday, June 29, 2013

FIVE! (almost)

well now we are FIVE! (almost)

Seth Loves: 
Blue & orange, popcorn, frozen yogurt, cookies, and anything chocolate! He loves to do math and spelling homework and is especially fast at sounding out words on his own. He spends time riding his bike & scooter and playing in the sand. He also loves to dress as Batman or Superman or Spiderman (in that order) and wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

Emma Loves:
Pink, purple and every other color in the rainbow except brown and white. She loves competitive word games and puzzles of all kinds! She is great at coloring in the lines and creating people artwork. She enjoys playing with her babies, taking care of them and packing her bags to travel with them. Her favorite thing to dress in is dresses or anything pink. She still insists she wants to be a princess when she grows up, but will consider other job options when she gets older.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Silly String Birthday Madness!

I can only tolerate this stuff once a year, because it brings so much joy to them. Seriously, only once a year!

Smashing Cottonballs


Our Birthday Week is never complete until we visit CHUCK E CHEESE!

Scientist Week

We attempted a few experiments including our favorite, the diet soda and mentos geyser! 

Birthday WEEK!

Our Mexican Fiesta was a hit! We had a fabulous mustache bar, sombreros, lots of our favorite mexican inspired foods and a pinata! Thanks to all of our friends who came and helped make our day so special.

Preschool Graduates

Although we didn't get to see them walk down the aisle, Seth & Emma graduated from Preschool at St. Lukes this last week. They are now onto Kindergarten in the fall!

Goodbye for today, dear friend Jordy...

We've been telling the kids (and ourselves) its not good bye forever, just for today. Seth & Emma will miss you so very much Jordy, you will always be their special friend. They want me to remind you to write them letters! :)

Doctor, Doctor!

Fish Hatchery

Sunday, June 2, 2013

the love of a best friend

I'm not sure who loves each other more... Lia to her 'Tet' and Emma or the other way around!

Skaneatles Wishes

Everyone knows how much we LOVE Skaneatles! We visit often, always making time to wish with a penny into the lake. We have a special cinder block under the water that we aim for. And we brought our bestie Lynn with to share some ice cream with on this hot summer day!

Mother Nature's Science Lesson

In one of the hanging flower pots near the front door, we have been able to watch these beautiful little babies grow. The kids especially loved that they have blond hairs in their nest, which is very important to us because every time we cut our hairs we sprinkle the hair to share with the birds.

Seth & Tina Date

We had a great adventure to the kids canyon climb, riding motorcycles at the arcade, watching cars at the raceway and lots of special time together.

Emma & Tina Date (&Lia)

Our special date was lunch, park & ice cream with our best friend Lia!

Summer Wishlist- Glow GOLF!

another fun outing, checked off our list! it was interesting to say the least. the kids loved the darkness, it was a little headache inducing with all of the glow in the dark paints, but a fun golf outing at least.

Science Fizz

Baking Soda + Colored Vinegar + syringes = colored science fizzies!
(and hours of entertainment!)