Saturday, September 15, 2012

first camping trip

Camping ='s

glowstick hunt
camp chairs
sleeping bags
more dirt
playing in the woods
setting up tents
and wait, more dirt

The kids and I had a blast on our first camping trip, with our friends Marie, Lia and Grandma (Mame) to Greenlakes State Park. We enjoyed a nice day at the beach followed by a movie, playing in the sand, exploring in the woods, a glowstick hunt and finally smores and lots of marshmallows! The kids both slept through the night, although I had to keep pulling emma out of the corning she was thrashing herself into :)


That's right people, we are old enough for Preschool! Seth & Emma started preschool nearby this last week. It was a rough morning, but only for the grownups. The kids did amazing and we celebrated with a trip to Yogurtland afterwards!

When I grow up I want to be...

Emma- sleeping beauty. duh!

Seth- a fireman. because they don't have to do a lot of work.

Monday, September 10, 2012

On the Farm & the letter Jj

Kids, kids for sale! 50 cents a kid! wait, free kids! ;)
On our adventures about FARMS, we are learning that not all farms grow or make the same items. Today our visit was to an APPLE FARM, where we rode a tractor, picked apples and ran around like chickens with our heads cut off. No really, we did! ;)

Letter Ii & Under The Sea

One of our awesome 'under the sea' themed crafts was sand dough. We made some beautiful pieces with sand and seashells, they are still taking their sweet time to dry.