Sunday, August 29, 2010

lunch time !

We fed sheep & goats at the Abbott Farm today! They were super hungry!

raspberry picking

Raspberry picking in the hot summer weather with hungry kidlets was..interesting. Seth picked berries, put them into the basket and then took them right back out and ate them! Emma liked the green raspberries, because green is her favorite color of course!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

swimming with Brian (the celebrity!)

Excited to swim some more!


Double Jump!

We LOVE swimming at Tina's pool! :) And we really love when Brian comes to swim too!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hello! From Seth & Emma!

Hello. Thanks for checking out our blog. Don't forget to FEED THE FISH! (to feed the fish click on the square that the fishies live in and it will give them fish food everytime you click) And we LOVE comments if you want to leave a note too!
Love, Seth & Emma

What can YOUR elephant do??

SIT Indy!



And grand finale, HEADSTAND!

pudding paints aka body paint

I thought it might be a fun art project to paint freely with pudding, seth took to it more than emma. His legs and belly were covered and he thought it was the silliest thing ever!!

We're goin to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

We always love how happy and excited the penguins are to see us!

Although we saved the new monkey exhibit for last, it was less than exciting to Seth and Emma. The monkeys were so LOUD you couldn't be heard over them. Not sure if they are normally that way or were not enjoying the heat that day...

Seth and Emma both kept calling this the, "big teddy bear." Ummm... not quite.

Seth thought these bald rat babies were the cutest thing ever!

Firefighter Seth

This is Seth the Fireman driving his "firetruck!" It's very creative thinking. :)